ILG Exam360 ® FAQ

  • Windows Requirements:
  • Operating System: Windows 10 or higher - Windows S Mode IS NOT supported
  • Processor manufactured after 2010 and also Pentium 4 or newer processor that supports SSE2
  • 4096 MB Memory (RAM))
  • 500 MB hard drive space available
  • Minimum resolution of 1024 x 768
  • Ability to connect to the internet
  • User account with full administrator permissions
  • Built-in or external webcam depending upon jurisdictional requirements (remote testing only - may not be available in your jurisdiction)
  • High Speed Internet with minimum 5 Mbps upload speed (remote testing only - may not be available in your jurisdiction)
  • Mac Requirements:
  • Operating System: MacOS 12.0.0 or higher
  • Processor manufactured after 2010 and also Pentium 4 or newer processor that supports SSE2
  • 4096 MB Memory (RAM)
  • 500 MB hard drive space available
  • Minimum resolution of 1024 x 768
  • Ability to connect to the internet
  • User account with full administrator permissions
  • Built-in or external webcam depending upon jurisdictional requirements (remote testing only - may not be available in your jurisdiction)
  • High Speed Internet with minimum 5 Mbps upload speed (remote testing only - may not be available in your jurisdiction)

You can use any Internet testing site to test your connection speed at the location you are planning on taking the exam - such as

ILG Exam360 is NOT compatible with any developer or beta operating systems.

If applicable to your state, your laptop should have an active USB or USB-C port if the jurisdictions requires a manual backup using a USB device. Additionally, if for some reason the software requires a reinstall at the exam site, an active USB is required. If your laptop has a USB Type-C port, you must bring an adaptor for Type-C to 2.0 USB.

After paying the software licensing fee, if applicable to your jurisdiction, a link will be made available to the ILG Exam360® software download from your ILG user account page. Simply click on the download link and install the software. For a Windows based laptop, if a warning screen appears during installation, click on the option to run the install file anyway. This button may be hidden under the "More Info" link. You might also need to disable your antivirus software during the download and installation process.
For a Mac based laptop you may need to add ILG Exam360® to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Accessibility.

You should use the same login information, email address and password, you use to log into your ILG user account page and select the proper state.

In order to register the software, you must notify the jurisdiction of your intent to take the exam using your laptop, you must pay the software licensing fee, download the software, install the software and complete the before exam tasks including taking the Trial Exam and uploading the Trial Exam.

Prior to the exam, you can always login to the ILG Exam360® while you have an internet connection. If there is an update to the software you will be prompted to install the new version. You can do so by logging into your user home page.

Yes, prior to the exam you should disable your antivirus software, screensaver and turn off any sleep mode. If you are using a Mac laptop you should also disable hot corners, touchpad gestures, and touch bar.
If you are using a windows based laptop also disable Windows Defender® Real-time Protection.
Windows based computers default to restarting the computer after Windows Updates have been installed. You should also disable this function to ensure your computer does not restart and delay your start of the exam or interrupt an active exam session.
Make sure your laptop is set to "High performance" mode for Windows computers or disable "Low power mode" for Mac computers.

You will need full administrator rights in order to install and use the software.

Windows Function Mac
Ctrl + B Bold ⌘+ B
Ctrl + I Italic ⌘+ I
Ctrl + U Underline ⌘+ U
Ctrl + C Copy ⌘+ C
Ctrl + X Cut ⌘+ X
Ctrl + V Paste ⌘+ V
Ctrl + Z Undo ⌘+ Z
Ctrl + Z Undo ⌘+ Z
Ctrl + Y Redo ⌘+ Y
Ctrl + L Align Left ⌘+ L
Ctrl + E Align Center ⌘+ E
Ctrl + R Align Right ⌘+ R
Ctrl + J Justify Text ⌘+ J

The following formatting functions are available; however, availability for your specific exam is dictated by the individual jurisdiction. The functions below are options that may be available. The final options available will be included in your Trial Exam.
  • Font
  • Copy
  • Cut (although we recommend copy/paste to avoid data loss)
  • Paste
  • Undo
  • Redo
  • Bold
  • Italics
  • Underline
  • Left Align
  • Center
  • Right Align
  • Justify
  • Bullets
  • Numbering
  • Spell Check
  • Word Count
  • Character Count

After logging into the software for the first time you will be required to review and complete the Information section as well as the Before Exam Checklist. Once those tasks are complete, you will have access to start the Trial Exam. Click on the Proceed button to begin work in the Trial Exam Answer Files. For remote exams, you will need to take a picture of your goverment issued photo id and a picture of yourself when starting the Trial Exam. Once you’ve completed your work in the Trial Exam Answer Files you can click the Finish button. You will be prompted to confirm that you wish to exit the exam. Upon exiting the exam, you will be brought to a final instruction screen. Once you’ve affirmed to reading the final exam statement and exit, the program will be closed.

Upon reopening the software after completing the Trial Exam, you can click on the Upload button found on the Upload Trial Exam tile.

When you arrive at the exam, you should bring with you your laptop (with battery installed) and power cord. You should consult with the jurisdiction for any other specific requirements and prohibited items.

ILG Exam360® provides applicants the option to lock their exam when they are away from their seats. When you return to your seat, you will be prompted to re-enter your personal login password or the exam session password.

At the exam site, you will be provided with directions for setting up your laptop along with guidance for self-help technical assistance. Following the self-help technical assistance will solve the vast majority of issues. If for some reason the self-help technical assistance does not resolve the issues, you can seek technical support. Please note, however, that if you seek technical assistance during the exam, the jurisdiction will not provide any additional time based on your decision to seek assistance.

If technical assistance is available for the exam, you should follow your jurisdiction's process to seek help. Please note, however, that if you seek technical assistance during the exam, the jurisdiction will not provide any additional time based on your decision to seek assistance.

Yes, technical support will be available during set up for the exam, during the exam and following the exam. If for some reason your laptop experiences technical difficulties during the exam, you can seek technical assistance; however, you will be taking time away from the administration of the exam. Jurisdictions will not provide you additional time in order to seek technical assistance with your laptop. If you are taking a remote exam, support will not be available during the exam unless you are notified by the jurisdiction.

Backup procedures are unique to each jurisdiction. You should consult with the individual jurisdiction to determine if you will need a USB backup at the exam.

Once your answer files are uploaded you will receive an upload confirmation on screen. Additionally, you can click on the "My Account" tab in the ILG Exam360® to check on the progress toward completion of the required tasks, the status of your account page and even confirm the confirmation upload date and time by clicking on the "Upload History" tab. Furthermore, you will receive a number of confirmations based upon your preferences (email confirmation or text message or both). You can also log onto your ILG user account and confirm your upload status. Please note that with exception to the onscreen confirmation, it could take up to 15 minutes to receive any of the confirmations sent and for your ILG user account status to be updated.

Immediately following a successful upload, you will see an onscreen confirmation. Your "My Account" tab within the ILG Exam360® software will also update immediately showing that you have completed all of the required steps for the exam. The "Upload History" tab will also display the date and time you uploaded your answers. Within 15 minutes, based upon your confirmation preferences, you will also receive an email confirmation or text message confirmation or both an email and text message confirmation. Finally, your ILG user account will display a message confirming your live upload.

You can contact technical support by submitting a technical support ticket either from your ILG user account page or from the My Account tab within the ILG Exam360® software (preferred method) or by calling 833-ILG-SUPP (833-454-7877), option 1.

If you are using a Microsoft Windows laptop and have the Windows 10 Creators update and are having mouse/touchpad issues you can follow these instructions for assistance.